The BM&A’s highlight event for German Mittelstand

Shift & Change 2023 in Baierbrunn

After a successful start in 2022, Shift & Change 2023 once again served as a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge sharing and collaboration between entrepreneurs and experts. As the German business model is currently under strong pressure, the insights and strategies presented by entrepreneurs and experts at the event are a helpful resource for German Mittelstand to successfully deal with existing challenges.

In May 2023, mandaco is organising the BM&A event "Shift & Change 2023 - BM&A Day for German Mittelstand" at the spectacular location of Wort & Bild Verlag near Munich.

Medium-sized companies are challenged to reposition themselves and explore future potential. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are proving to be an effective way of dealing with these diverse changes, which present SMEs with additional challenges. The event brought entrepreneurs together with those who can provide crucial support in overcoming these challenges.

Prof Dr Florian Bauer from the University of Bristol Business School presented the results of the "Mittelstand Study M&A 2023", which was compiled by the BM&A's Taskforce Mittelstand and M&A REVIEW. This study, which was presented to the public for the first time at Shift & Change 2023, provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing mid-market companies.

Against the backdrop of the newly presented findings from the "SME M&A 2023 Study", entrepreneurs and experts discussed four key topics:

Partnership models when expanding into new business areas: Exploring co-operative approaches for venturing into unfamiliar business areas.

Due diligence tools and the importance of sustainability in M&A transactions: Exploring due diligence tools and the growing importance of sustainability considerations in M&A transactions.

Financing methods in M&A transactions: Examining the different financial models used in M&A transactions.

Post-transaction companies and their development: Discussing the history and development of companies after M&A transactions have been completed.

The highlight of the event was two keynote presentations: Professor Clemens Fuest, President of the ifo Institute, gave insights into the German business model. In the evening, handball legend and ambassador of the children's aid organisation for organ transplants KiO, Heiner Brand, gave a captivating presentation on leadership and team motivation in times of crisis - a challenge that every entrepreneur knows.

A big thank you to all the speakers and our guests who contributed to a successful and informative day! The discussions and presentations provided valuable insights into the dynamics of mergers and acquisitions in the SME sector and gave participants a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that characterise this landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates and future events to further explore the evolving landscape of mergers and acquisitions in the mid-market space.

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